CodeJoy Engages in an Exciting HUES Family Tech Night!

CodeJoy event featured in TAPinto East Brunswick ( - originally published 2/27/2024)
March 1, 2024 by
CodeJoy Engages in an Exciting HUES Family Tech Night!
CodeJoy, Susan Willems

A wonderful partnership, this time with Hammarskjold Upper Elementary School (HUES) in New Jersey, brings CodeJoy onto the webpages of the TAPinto East Brunswick online education publication! Students and parents came together for HUES's inaugural Family Tech Night on February 7, 2024, where students engaged in a lively CodeJoy Student Session.  These fantastic students collaborated during Robot Relaxation to boost the confidence of anxious robots preparing for a big test, coding cheerful messages and images. Kelsey and Matt the Robot interacted with the students live, by engaging with their codes in real-time and by responding to constructive and supportive chats on the CodeJoy.Live platform. Teachers and administrators joined in for a night of family fun, paving the way for more exciting coding adventures ahead. 

Read the delightful article here:

Guess what? This is just the beginning! HUES is already buzzing with excitement about future collaborations with CodeJoy, and we can't wait! Christina Richards, HUES 5th grade Computer Teacher, said about the event, "The students had a lot of fun and the adults enjoyed all the learning and positivity going around. [...] You guys are so amazing with kids and the programs you put together are so thoughtful and inspiring!" CodeJoy couldn't be more inspired by amazing students like the ones at HUES! More coding adventures, more creativity, and definitely more fun await those incredible students.

Stay tuned for more updates, and who knows? The next coding mastermind might just be from HUES! And if you'd like to have an event like HUES's Family Tech Night, email to get the ball rolling!

Until next time, keep coding and reaching for the stars!




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